Thursday, May 8, 2014

Weekly Blog 05/8/2014

The Budget Week

This week we learned a lot about savings and budgets and how important they are our whole life. A budget is an estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time, having a budget is ideal to have a successful economic future because having a budget means to have a control over expenses and income. Savings are also important for a bright economic future, having savings is very useful and it is important that we as teens start to invest and have savings for the future.


  1. The informations in this week are important, and the movie makes sense.

  2. We were also been put into families. I was put in with you, Fefe, Sayaka, and Danielle. Nick was later adopted into the family though. I wish Yanez was not in the family cause he is so mean.

  3. Your blog was interesting to read about this past week.
